Building Our Dream

Sliding down the cargo net at the 2019 Wrigley Field Spartan StadionPhoto courtesy of Norville Family Photography

Sliding down the cargo net at the 2019 Wrigley Field Spartan Stadion

Photo courtesy of Norville Family Photography

Part 1: Running the Spartan Stadion in November of 2019 was extremely gratifying, although many nerves were dealt with leading up to the run. You see, we were neck deep in building our dream Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) training center. We worked laboriously for 2 years researching, planning and strategizing to build our business plan.

We had a "can't miss" concept and were ready to hit the ground running. I've always been an athlete, and was ready to prove my value to the world as a certified personal trainer. The timing was perfect: November to build out the gym, and we'd open in December... capturing all of the New Year's resolution gym goers. There was one "small" problem: No one, and we now know, absolutely NO ONE knew who we were or what we were doing!

We had made feeble marketing efforts via social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat all provided minimal results. We even paid for additional attention via Facebook and we didn't experience the bump in memberships that we expected. "Why are we struggling to gain members?" I often asked myself. I KNEW that we had lightning in a bottle, but how would we get the word out to the masses?

We knew something had to change. See Part 2 (Coming soon...)


Building Our Dream (Part 2)